High Speed Surron


Sur Ron Ultra Bee

Original price was: $4,500.00.Current price is: $3,877.00.

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Surron Ultra Bee

The Ultra Bee, Surron’s most recent invention, completely rewrites performance criteria and enters a new category. This mid-sized off-road marvel, which is supported by Surron’s state-of-the-art 4th generation power platform, symbolizes our revived ambition for unparalleled capability. Our ground-breaking power platform, designed to provide accurate lightweight handling and smooth power output, is the foundation of this invention. Surron’s advanced off-road traction control technology is seamlessly integrated, enabling riders to overcome any obstacle in their path.

Product Features

  • 12,500W high torque motor
  • Top speed of 56 mph
  • 87 mile range
  • 74V 55AH Lithium-ion Battery pack
  • 60V 30Ah silent charger&lt;/li></li>
  • 4.5 hour
  • recharge time
  • torque of 440Nm
  • Titanium gold four piston brakes
  • Motor, controller, display, and battery are covered by a 12 month warranty.


  • The newest multi-condition off-road traction control system, Surround Traction Control System (SRTC), is available on all Ultra Bee models. With just one button to operate, the SRTC’s three rider-selectable settings allow the rider to find the ideal level of control in any off-road situation.
    DNM rear suspension with a multi-link configuration Gradual magnification to accommodate different riding styles
    With a range of 87 miles, this model easily outperforms most other e-bikes. Your range may be impacted by your riding style and the terrain.
    blazing rapid acceleration and blistering top speed of 50 miles and hour.
  • High Performance 74V 55Ah Li-ion Battery Pack. With an even lower rate of battery discharge temperature rise, the new, structured 4070wh battery pack offers great power density and extended battery cycle life (up to 1500 times*). Battery pack dependability and continuous discharge performance are enhanced by this new design. * With a total weight of 20.5 kg, the power density of 200 Wh/kg is the highest in the industry.above an approximate 1500 cycle life, the battery pack can sustain a condition of above 80%.
    With a rapid charge time of four hours, this 60V/30Ah silent charger has protection against overcharge and discharge, high temperature, and undervoltage.
    Anytime Riding The charger for the Ultra Bee is housed in a discreet compartment beneath the seat. Utilizing a designated air-cooling conduit, replenishing.
  • High Performance 74V 55Ah Li-ion Battery Pack. With an even lower rate of battery discharge temperature rise, the new, structured 4070wh battery pack offers great power density and extended battery cycle life (up to 1500 times*). Battery pack dependability and continuous discharge performance are enhanced by this new design. * With a total weight of 20.5 kg, the power density of 200 Wh/kg is the highest in the industry.above an approximate 1500 cycle life, the battery pack can sustain a condition of above 80%.
    With a rapid charge time of four hours, this 60V/30Ah silent charger has protection against overcharge and discharge, high temperature, and undervoltage.
    Anytime Riding The charger for the Ultra Bee is housed in a discreet compartment beneath the seat. Utilizing a designated air-cooling conduit, replenishing.
  • Anytime Riding The charger for the Ultra Bee is housed in a discreet compartment beneath the seat. You can use your bike’s dedicated air-cooling duct to recharge your Ultra Bee charger. You don’t need to carry a bulky backpack anymore to bring your charger along. Don’t worry about power outages any more. All you need now is focus on ADVENTURE. Charge at any time or place you want.

Warranty Information:

We will replace any part that is considered defective from manufacturing for seven days following the date of delivery.</p>

&lt;span style=”font-size: 16px;”>Anytime Riding The charger for the Ultra Bee is housed in a discreet compartment beneath the seat. You can use your bike’s dedicated air-cooling duct to recharge your Ultra Bee charger. You don’t need to carry a bulky backpack anymore to bring your charger along. Don’t worry about power outages any more. All you need now is focus on ADVENTURE. Charge at any time or place you want.


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 Surron Ultra Bee: The Ultimate Electric Bike

Unmatched Performance of the Surron Ultra Bee

The Surron Ultra Bee emerges as a powerhouse in the electric bike industry, offering unparalleled performance that caters to both off-road adventures and city commuting. Equipped with a high-torque electric motor, the Ultra Bee Surron delivers instant acceleration and impressive top speeds without compromising on efficiency or noise levels. Riders experience the thrill of the ride with an eco-friendly footprint, merging adrenaline with sustainability.

Surron Ultra Bee for Sale: Accessibility Meets Innovation

Finding a Sur ron Ultra Bee for sale has become easier, thanks to its rising popularity and increased availability. Retailers and online platforms offer this electric marvel, ensuring enthusiasts and potential buyers can access it without hassle. The Surron Ultra Bee price varies by retailer, but the investment guarantees a high-quality, durable electric bike loaded with features that justify its cost. Moreover, the Sur-Ron Ultra Bee’s design incorporates user-friendly interfaces, making it accessible to riders of all skill levels.

Durability and Design: The Hallmarks of Sur-Ron Ultra Bee

Durability stands at the forefront of the Sur-Ron Ultra Bee’s design philosophy. Crafted with a robust frame and high-quality components, it withstands the rigors of off-road riding and urban landscapes alike. The bike’s lightweight construction enhances maneuverability, while its ergonomic design ensures comfort during long rides. This focus on durability and rider comfort makes the Surron Ultra Bee a standout choice for those seeking a reliable electric bike.

Sur-Ron Ultra Bee Price: Investing in Quality

Investing in a Sur-Ron Ultra Bee means investing in quality. The bike’s price reflects its superior construction, advanced technology, and performance capabilities. While the initial investment may be higher than some alternatives, the Ultra Bee Surron’s longevity, low maintenance costs, and efficiency provide ongoing savings. Potential buyers should consider the Surron Ultra Bee for sale as a long-term investment in their mobility and enjoyment.

Eco-Friendly Innovation with the Surron Ultra Bee

Transitioning to the Sur ron Ultra Bee signifies a step towards eco-friendly transportation. Its electric motor produces zero emissions, contributing to a healthier environment. Riders not only enjoy a silent, powerful ride but also take pride in reducing their carbon footprint. The Surron Ultra Bee for sale offers a sustainable alternative to traditional gas-powered bikes, aligning with the growing demand for green transportation solutions.

Conclusion: The Surron Ultra Bee Stands Unrivaled

In conclusion, the Sur ron Ultra Bee represents the pinnacle of electric bike innovation. Its combination of high performance, durability, user-friendly design, and eco-friendly technology makes it an unrivaled choice for riders. Whether navigating the challenges of off-road terrain or cruising through city streets, the Ultra Bee Surron offers an exhilarating, sustainable ride. As more individuals seek the Sur ron Ultra Bee for sale, its popularity continues to soar, underscoring its value and appeal in the competitive electric bike market.

Ultra Bee Surron: Cutting-Edge Features


  • High-torque, electric motor offering immediate acceleration.
  • Durable, lightweight frame suitable for off-road and urban riding.
  • Advanced suspension system for smooth handling across varied terrains.
  • Long-range battery life supporting extensive rides on a single charge.
  • Eco-friendly design with zero emissions.


  • Exceptional performance in both off-road and city environments.
  • Reduced environmental impact, promoting cleaner, sustainable transportation.
  • Low operational noise enhances the riding experience.
  • Minimal maintenance required compared to gas-powered bikes.


  • Higher upfront cost than traditional bikes.
  • Battery life and performance can decrease in extreme temperatures.
  • Limited charging infrastructure in certain areas.

Surron Ultra Bee for Sale: Accessibility & Options


  • Available through a wide network of authorized dealers and online platforms.
  • Offers warranty and customer support services.
  • Optional accessories and customization features for personalization.
  • Financing options available through some retailers.


  • Easy to purchase with various retail options.
  • Support and warranty provide peace of mind.
  • Customization allows for personalization to suit individual preferences.


  • Availability may vary by region, affecting accessibility.
  • Price can be significantly higher with added accessories and custom features.

Sur-Ron Ultra Bee: Performance Unleashed


  • Top speed of over 45 mph with instant throttle response.
  • Up to 60 miles of range on a single charge, depending on riding conditions.
  • IP rating for water and dust resistance, enhancing durability.
  • Regenerative braking system to extend battery life.


  • Impressive speed and range for an electric bike.
  • Suitable for all-weather riding with water and dust resistance.
  • Energy efficiency and cost savings with regenerative braking.


  • Requires careful handling at high speeds, especially for inexperienced riders.
  • Longer charging times compared to fueling a gas-powered bike.
  • Potential limitations in range for longer, uninterrupted trips.

Sur-Ron Ultra Bee Price: Investment & Value


  • Competitive pricing in the electric bike market.
  • Inclusion of high-end components justifying the price point.
  • Resale value remains high due to brand reputation and demand.


  • Good investment considering durability, performance, and low running costs.
  • High resale value supports future upgrades or resale opportunities.
  • Financing options can make it accessible to a broader audience.


  • Initial purchase price may be prohibitive for some budgets.
  • Additional costs for maintenance, accessories, and potential battery replacement.
  • Price variability based on dealer, location, and added features.


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